I Need a Lover That Won't Drive Me Crazy

August 9, 2005
Home Game 56
White Sox 2 Yankees 1
Subway Race Winner: 4 train
Today was just a heartbreaker. Coming at the hand of Contreras makes it worse. And to compound the issue, I was tied up at work, stuck in major traffic driving in, and even worse coming home (most of the crowd stayed til the end and the lower deck was closed. It wasn't pretty.) They got beat at their own game tonight (winning by the long ball) by a team that's known for playing small ball. That just ain't right.
It was a tough loss to say the least, but I really liked what I saw from Chacon. He wanted to get through 7 innings today and he did. And I gotta give a hand to Joe for letting Shawn get out of it himself. But that's all I'll give him a hand for (see below). Chacon keeps saying how he really wants to get a win for the team, but with only 3 earned runs in 3 games, it's the team that needs to get a win for him. I really hope he can continue to pitch like this. In every interview I've heard so far he comes off as a guy that really appreciates where his is right now and is just concerned with giving the best effort that he can each time out. I really like the guy. Plus, I have a soft spot for him since he's a fellow adoptee.
That was the only exciting thing that happened today. - George Steinbrenner
He was, of course, referring to the fan that jumped from the upper deck. I was also at that game in May 2000 when the drunk guy took a dive onto the netting. Ironically it was also the day they stopped serving beer in the bleachers. This time, however, I actually got the see the guy fall, arms flailing and everything. In turn, I missed the play at first which I heard was a close one. There seemed to be quite a few close calls tonight that didn't go the Yankees' way. Of course I sit 450 feet from home plate, but still, I could swear some of those pitches Chacon threw in the 7th were strikes.
Like I said, most of the crowd stayed through the end. And of course we went nuts after Alex's dinger. But once everyone got their composure a bit and realized that if it wasn't for Konerko's home run the scored would be tied, you could see people everywhere mouthing the words Alan-fucking-Embree. While Dave (the guy that sits behind me) and I were saying Joe-fucking-Torre. We just couldn't fathom why he left him in. On the post game I heard something about Konerko's numbers vs. lefties and Embree's numbers vs. righties, but still, I thought it was a bad move. Then I heard them mention that Proctor will probably get the start on Thursday, which sounds like an even worse move.
I took the day off tomorrow and will be going to the game with my aunt. I'll have more on her and her history of Yankee fandom in tomorrow's post. Here's to hoping that Small can continue to pitch well so my aunt doesn't have anything to complain about.
At 10:47 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy the game today Jen - bring us home a win!
At 11:12 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
glad to read another yankees fan blog. Nice pic of the stadium from bleachers seat point of view.
At 12:09 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Apparently Georgie doesn't think a pitcher's duel is exciting? No wait, that explains a lot.
Thanks for the new site, Jen. I was starting to feel a little cramped keeping all my obnoxious confined to ww.
At 1:15 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Jeez, another blog to check a few times a day?
productivity be damned!!!!
--Jason O.
At 2:02 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
you tell us who one the subway race, but you don't mention which cap had the ball under it.
i think it was *3*
At 7:05 PM EDT,
Jen said…
I believe it was under #3. I'll try to pay attention next time. I don't have a good view of the screen, especially during the day, so I don't always make a note to look.
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