No Exit

Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Home Game 13
Red Sox (too many) Yankees (too few)
Subway Race Winner: D train
Cap Game: #3
Sartre was right. Hell really is other people.
Annoying game. Annoying fans (of both the Boston and New York persuasion). Just an utterly craptastic night. Why did I stay to the end? I don't know. Something keeps me in my seat during these laughters. Maybe I'm delusional enough to think that one of these days I will witness the greatest comeback of all time. Then again, maybe I'm just a masochist.
Randy was shaky form the start, walking the lead-off batter in the 1st. But then he got the next guy to GDP. He walked Ortiz but then got Manny to ground out into a fielder's choice to end the inning. Ok, fine. He walked a couple but it wasn't too bad. Bottom of the 1st, Jeter hits a 1-out single. Giambi follows with a with a 2-run homer. Great! Things are looking pretty good. Randy goes 1-2-3 in the 2nd. Still 2-0 going into the 3rd. Then with 2 outs, it starts to crumble. It started with an A-Rod error (his first of 2 for the night). Then a wild pitch. Then a Manny single. And the Yanks are down 3-2. Ok, they're only down 1 run. Top of the 4th, once again 2 outs. Here's where shit just falls apart. Randy doesn't make it out of the inning. And I'm not going to get into the rest of the game. Not worth my energy.
The A-Rod hatin' is getting brutal. And the women are the worst. They just don't like him. I guess it's because he's not Jeter or something. I heard someone scream "Go to Hell" at one point. And they started right off the bat in the 1st inning when he grounded out. Shit, there wasn't even anyone on base. It was just a freaking ground out. In the first fucking inning.
In regards to Melky's error, I don't think Sheff would've had any easier a time catching that ball. That's not to say it wasn't a bad play, I'm just saying it wasn't an easy one. That thing looked like it was heading straight over second base and ended up in shallow right. Unfortunately many Yankee fans held this error against young Melky and booed him all night. Guess they didn't notice that besides Giambi, he was the only Yankee to get 2 hits on the night. Give the kid a fucking break. I hope he can shake off the error and the booing. He deserves this shot and I have faith that he will do well.
Maybe I'm getting old and bitter, and that's why people are annoying to me. However, I never really liked people to begin with. And the games with the Red Sox just compound that fact. These Boston games just bring out the stupid in Yankee fans. They're too busy talking shit to the Boston fans in attendance. As Steve suggested, it's about time we gave it to the players on the field for a change. Chanting "Asshole" to the guy sitting next to you in a Boston hat doesn't mean a whole lot when Ortiz is in the process of putting another ball into the Yankee bullpen. Everyone's too busy booing their own players (although tonight it was deserved for the most part) than ragging on the guys in the grey uniforms.
Random Notes
– During the 9th inning a Boston fan in the upper deck began yelling insults at Damon in center field. Only problem was, Bubba was in center at that point.
– I could be out of line, but that was a horseshit move by Snow taking third on a single when they were up by 8 runs in the 9th.
– Good move by Joe bringing Sturtze in to pitch the final inning as there was no one left in the Stadium to boo him.
– If you click on that picture at the top of the post to get a larger view, and you squint your eyes a little bit, I'm pretty sure you can see the face of Satan. No, really. Try it.
Unfortunately I don't have tickets for tomorrow's game. But I will be there to cheer on my man Shawn on Thursday, trapped in that room with 50,000 other people. The good thing about tonight is that it only counts as one loss. Tomorrow Moose goes up against Schilling. Here's to hoping that my good feeling about Moose comes to fruition and that A-Rod will redeem himself both on the field and at the plate.
Well, let's get on with it...
In attendance record: 4-3
At 1:53 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
I think most people, and me included, look back at that in-the-park homerun from Trot Nixon last year when Melky let the ball get past him. Any little mistake on the field, and he will get soundly booed until he comes up with a couple of game winning hits, or makes quite a few game saving catches. Either one will erase those ugly thoughts.
At 2:04 PM EDT,
Jen said…
I can see where you're coming from regarding the troubles he had last year. But why does it have to be a game winning hit or a gaving saving catch? If he can play a sound defense and can contribute offensively, shouldn't that be enough to cheer the guy on?
I guess my biggest problem was that they carried the boos to his plate appearances. I think it's rather telling that he was able to get a couple hits and drive in a run after the error and the boos. This isn't the same Melky from last year.
At 4:07 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
I would think of getting the game saving catch or making the game saving hit a way for him to rid himself of the boo birds immediately. Long term, if he plays better defense and stays solid at the plate the boos will disappear...eventually.
I'm not a fan of booing the home team, especially when they are playing Boston. I would have been ALL OVER Trot.
As far as A-Rod goes, I believe most people (like me) want to see more grit out of him. He acts like a premadonna on the field. Let's show some intensity, emotion and desire to beat Boston!
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