Those Meddling Kids

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Home Game 71
Yankees 7 Devil Rays 4
Subway Race Winner: 4 train
Cap Game: #2
This time of year, you not only get call-ups on the field, but you also get them in the stands. Young fans that are so hepped up just to be there. You know, the guys that stand an clap when a Yankee pitcher has 2 strikes and 1 out and get annoyed that you're not doing the same. They try to keep up with the chants, but just turns out so very wrong. And the fact that there was hardly anyone in the stands made it worse because they seemed to be even louder. Sorry, I just can't get worked up for a mid-September game against the Devil Rays. I mean, I had fun and all. But if they lost yesterday it wouldn't be the end of the world. All I want now is for no one to get hurt (knock wood). Or maybe I'm just getting old and sitting in the rain made me grumpy. I"m sure there were good guys. I just wasn't feeling it last night. Good win though. Matsui's dinger made my night.
Random Notes
– One of my favorite things about having Matsui back is the return of the yellow Godzilla 55 sign. It's just so damn cute.
– When Jeter made that slick play in the second inning, Sade's Smooth Operator popped into my head. And 2 seconds after it popped into my head, they played the song on the P.A. I think there's some mind control going on, but I'm not sure who's controlling who.
– This seems like a fairly weak attempt to crack down on scalping.
– I'm going to miss Kaat. Unfortunately I don't have TiVo and I didn't set up my VCR for tonight. I'll just have to stay up and watch the Encore. (They do the encore for the channel 9 games, right?).
In attendance record: 28-17
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