Monday, August 22, 2005
Home Game 62
Yankees 7 Blue Jays 0
Subway Race Winner: 4 train
Cap Game: #2
That's the number that was in the lower left hand corner on the marquis outside of the Stadium. The one that lists the opponent of the night and the game time. Driving in over the Macombs Dam Bridge I noticed the number but had no clue what it meant. Then, during the game I heard someone talking about it. Turns out, 262 is the number of home games that are left at the current Yankee Stadium. I thought it was kind of odd (and tacky) that they would start that at this point of the season. It probably would've been better to start the countdown during the final season before the new park opens.

(crap, I just lost a whole thing I had written about A-Rod. I'll try to rewrite it tomorrow)
Sheff looks like he's swinging at a wiffle ball. His cuts are ferocious but the ball barely makes it past the pitchers mound half the time.

The sell-out streak ended tonight, but they still drew 50,000 people. Which, for a Monday night game against Toronto, ain't too shabby. A couple of guys behind me were complaining about how the crowd in the bleachers wasn't lively enough and that the regular Creatures weren't there so there wasn't enough energy or some such shit like that. Ferchrissakes, it's a freaking Monday night. Against Toronto. And a lot of the regulars were there. But they're not there just to entertain you. Talk about your spoiled Yankees fans. Jeez.
I'll be at the game again tomorrow. With Al "and the 3-2 pitch" Leiter on the mound, that means I'll probably get to posting about the game sometime around Labor Day.
At 12:15 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Jen - somewhat related - who is the most "famous" person that you ever saw in the bleachers?
At 12:25 PM EDT,
Jen said…
Most "famous" as in most famous bleacher creature? I guess Vinny is the most recognizable. Once in a while the whole Road Trip crew shows up.
At 2:17 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Thanks - I was thinking more "famous" than that - didn't Cone once sit out there for a game?
At 2:35 PM EDT,
Jen said…
Yeah, Cone sat out there but I wasn't there. I believe it was opening day the year after he retired.
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