No So Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Away Game 33
Nationals 3 Yankees 2
Presidents Race Winner: Thomas Jefferson
Capitol Dome Game: #1
– It was just my parents and my aunt with me today, as my brother, his wife and their kids headed south to visit friends. I was able to get better seats for this game. We were in the mezzanine and were thankfully in the shade all day. The middle section at RFK is a little strange. There were only 3 rows of seats. Behind the front row and a short wall and then a platform with 2 more rows of seats (we were in the 3rd row). There were a few blind spots, but overall not too bad. Just wish the concession selection was better on that level.
You could tell that they added at least one of the rows when the stadium opened for baseball again last year. The seats of the row we were in were stamped with the LA Dodger insignia. Guess they got them cheap or something.
We had some camera dudes in our section and caught a glimpse of Ken Singleton and Michael Kay's giant head.
– The ceremonial first pitches were thrown by several of the Nationals' fathers.
– From a pure baseball perspective, the game was outstanding. From a Yankee fan's perspective, it was heartbreaking. Yet another pitchers duel involving Wang. Unfortunately he came out on the wrong end of this one. I was furious after the game. First time this year I was really pissed at Torre. I'm not a fan of how he uses the bull pen, but I usually don't let it get to me. Sunday, however, it really got to me. It looked like Wang was starting to tire in the 8th. He walked the lead-off batter (his first BB of the game). Retired the next 2 batters and then walked another. With 2 on and 2 out, Vidro lined a shot to left and it looked like the Nats would take the lead. But Melky ran it down and made yet another nice play. And we all know what happened in the bottom of the 9th so there no need to rehash it.
But back to the Torre thing, I was really pissed after the game. I knew Mo wasn't available, but I thought that Villone would be an option. Well, after stewing it over on the car ride home, I had a change of heart. I can't blame Torre for leaving him in. Sure, he can take some heat for Saturday's debacle, but looking back, I'm glad Wang got the opportunity to finish the game. I've heard that he was visibly pissed off after the game. And I've seen comments by some that suggest an result like this will have an ill-effect on the young pitcher. But I think he'll be fine. He seems to have the memory of a goldfish sometimes. I saw him give up a home run on the first pitch of the game. He shrugged it off like nothing happened and went on to have a solid start.
BTW, in the top of the 8th, A-Rod had a (gasp!) late game clutch hit when he drove in Melky for what was then the go-ahead run.
– We set the RFK attendance record (for baseball games) on Saturday afternoon and then surpassed that mark (by about 70 people) on Sunday.
– The Nats share the stadium with DC United. There are pictures all over place of the team, which is somewhat nice to see. (The Metrostars/Red Bulls don't really get much love over at Giants Stadium). I say somewhat nice because I don't like DC United. The rivalry they have with Red Bulls is similar to the Yanks/Boston thing. Except DC is more like the Yanks in that they win a lot. Red Bulls can't even get out of the first round of the playoffs.
– During the 6th inning they played YMCA as the grounds crew dragged and raked the field. The crew didn't dance though. Actually they didn't do much raking either. The infield still looked like crap.
In attendance record: 10-10
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