Thank You Bernie.

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Home Game 81
Yankees 8 Blue Jays 4
Subway Race Winner: 4 train
Cap Game: #2
Ber-nie Ber-nie
The last home game of the regualar season was dubbed "Fan Appreciation Day." Everyone got pins commemorating the attendance records set this year. There was a pre-game contest sponsored by the Daily News. Four people had the chance to win $1 million if they could throw a ball from the pitcher's mound through a 4 inch hole in a target set up at home plate. (No one did it.) The Yankee players, as well as Torre, recorded video messages thanking the fans for coming out to the games.
Thank-you Ber-nie
But today was really Bernie's day. He didn't make any spectacular plays (he caught one fly ball.) He didn't have a huge day at the plate (1 hit, 1 run scored.) But that didn't matter to the fans. It's what Bernie has done for the past 15 seasons in pinstripes that we were celebrating. His Yankeeography was even playing when I got to the Stadium. From the moment he stepped out of the dugout to do pre-game warmups to the final out of the game and during every at-bat in between, there was nothing but love and affection for him. The top of each inning he got a standing-O. And each time he would give a wave, or one of those point-to-the-heart-point-to-the-fans gestures. I couldn't really hear if other parts of the Stadium were joining in with the chants, but in the bottom of the 8th the entire Stadium got into it. Reminiscent of the ovation that Paulie got in 2003, the crowd chanted Bernie's name, and wouldn't stop until he finally came out of the dugout.
One More Year
Thirty-seven years ago today Mickey Mantle played his last game at Yankee Stadium. We all hope this wasn't the last time we'll see Bernie in pinstripes, but with playoff races being so close you never know. The team may or may not make the playoffs. Bernie may or may not resign with the Yankees. Whatever happens, I'm sure today will be something he'll never forget, nor will the 55,000 in attendance.
Oh yeah, and the Yankees won today too :-) Wang pitched a pretty good game. 7IP 6H 3R 1BB 3K. The offense finally got some big hits today. Cano hit a 2-run dinger to take the lead in the 7th (atoning for a base-running gaffe in the 5th.) And Sheff tacked on a 3-run shot to put the game away in the 8th.
Each year the Yankee rookies have to dress in some sort of get-up when they go on their last road trip. This year, Cano and Wang had to wear cheerleader uniforms with "Robbie" and "Wanger" printed on the back.
My final (regular season) record
Home: 39 wins-22 losses
Road: 1 win-1 loss
Winning percentage: .635
But hopefully this isn't my last game post of the season. Winning this game kept them in a tie with the BoSox and they gained a game on Cleveland (who lost to KC today.) Johnson, Mussina, Chacón, Wang and Small (in his relief appearance) all had great performances this week. If those 5 can do the same over the next 7 days, I like their chances (assuming Joe doesn't have his head up his ass and starts Small over Wright on Thursday.)
At 11:11 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
.635 ain't too shabby!
At 10:06 AM EDT,
Unknown said…
Cool clips, thanks.
At 11:13 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Agreed - I loved that Thank You Bern-ie one where the guys says at the end "Much better than the wave."
At 11:35 AM EDT,
Jen said…
Yeah, I made sure I left the "better than the wave" line in.
That guy was sitting next to me. I saw him and his group at a handful of games this year, usually sitting somewhere near my seats. Very nice people.
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