Split in Two

Sunday, June 25, 2006 (game 1)
Home Game 36
Yankees 2 Marlins 1
Subway Race Winner: B train
Cap Game: #3
Now I know why teams don't like to play double headers. I'm exhausted just watching the games.
The pitching matchup in Game 1 lived up to the hype. Moose was back on track, only giving up 1 run in 7 innings. If it weren't for some trouble he ran into in the 6th, he may have gone a bit deeper into the game. Moose also recorded his 2,500th strike out of his career.
Damon had both Yankee RBIs in the game, hitting a sac fly in the 4th and an upper deck shot in the 7th to give them the lead. I've always heard that splitting a double header is condisered a success, so it was good that they won the first game. Especially against their best pitcher.
Ranom Notes
– Speaking of the Marlins best pitcher, when did Dontrelle stop wearing his socks high? It made that leg kick of his more dramatic. Kinda like El Duque.
– During the 2nd inning they do this "Soundman" thing on the video screen. They have 3 songs or artists (usually some sort of theme, like tv shows from the 80s or something) and they ask the players which one they want to hear. Today one of the choices Bernie Williams, and of course everyone picked him. So we got to hear a bit of Bernie's music.
– Andy Phillips came to the plate to Joe Walsh's Life's Been Good.
In attendance record: 12-10

Sunday, June 25, 2006 (game 2)
Home Game 37
Marlins 5 Yankees 0
Subway Race Winner: B train
Cap Game: #3
This game went according to expectations too. Unfortunately I didn't expect them to win. I'm guessing most Yankee fans had that same feeling and didn't even bother showing up to watch the game. Less that 7,000 of us turned out for the night game. It was like 1991. It was kind of surreal. We could hear the guy on the third base line heckling A-Rod clear as a bell.
In the beginning of the game, security came by and said that we could sit in the main section if we wanted. A good amount of people left to go to the land of beer and seat backs. There were probably 60 of us left in the bleachers, including this group of Marlins fans on the left field side (sporting the old-school teal hats no less).
Thankfully Atlanta won yesterday. The Yanks seem to do as well against teams on a losing streak as they do against pitchers they've never seen before. Here's to hoping that the Captain has a good birthday. Maybe Randy can give him a shutout for his birthday and the rest of the team can score 5 or 10 runs or so. And Happy Birthday to Mike Meyers too!
In attendance record: 12-11
At 11:24 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Did you go home and come back, or, just hang in the Bronx between games?
At 11:36 AM EDT,
Jen said…
I ended up going home. They were clearing out the parking garage between games, or else I would've stayed in the city. I was going to have to pay to park again anyway so I sucked it up and paid the bridge toll again too. I'm glad I went home though, I got a chance to freshen up and rest a bit.
At 1:23 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Smart lady.
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