Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty

Saturday, July 1, 2006
Home Game 42
Mets 8 Yankees 3
Subway Race Winner: D train
Cap Game: #2
I was "suck the life out of ya" hot yesterday. I was done for the rest of the day. Went through 2 liters of water by the 6th inning. For the second year in the row we sat in the left field bleachers for the Saturday Yankees/Mets tilt. Not by choice of course. I never really like sitting over there. Sure the view is a little different. And if you get seats in the last row (like we had yesterday), it's not too bad. At least I didn't have someone's sweaty knees in my back. But there's no hiding from the sun. And there were way too many Mets fans and not enough Yankee fans willing to quiet them down.
Yeah, Randy stunk it up yesterday. But I'm not overly concerned with him. It was a different kind of suckiness than in the beginning of the year, and even then I wasn't too worried. The loss bothered me of course, but not as much as losses sometime do. I guess it was because of the company I was with. A friend from high school went with me as well as a couple of her friends. Since interleague started we've been going to one subway series game almost every year. We kept ourselves occupied between Trachsel's pitches by making fun of a really obnoxious Met fan. This was the kind of guy that other Mets fans couldn't even stand.
For some reason I have a good feeling about tonight. I think Wright (of the Jaret variety) will continue to pitch well. And even though they're facing another pitcher they haven't seen before, I think the offense will step up tonight. I sense a big night for A-Rod and Melky.
In attendance record: 14-13
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